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Budgeting – the Do’s and Don’ts

2 November 2022

Last Tuesday, the Federal budget was delivered. This Tuesday, RBA raised its cash rate 7 times in a row. As a result, household budget will be squeezed again. So, let’s face it and recap budgeting 101. What are the Do’s and Don’ts when you preparing your household budget? Let’s start

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Redraw vs Offset – the big difference

23 October 2022

Redraw vs offset, it is a well discussed topic. Most borrowers would know the features of both. Redraw facility allows borrowers to:  make extra repayments; withdraw the additional repayments at any time; save interest on loan because of the extra repayments made. Offset account: is a

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Refinance – things to consider

20 October 2022

Interest rates are going up, people are shopping for better deals. Lenders are giving out cashbacks to attract refinance customers. There are a few things to consider before and after you decide to refinance. Firstly, don’t rush. Take this time as the opportunity to relook at your financial situation holistically.

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