Let us help with refinancing your loan

Many homeowners choose to set and forget their mortgage, simply making their monthly repayments on time. However, this may not be the ideal situation anymore. As time progresses, your needs and circumstances change, as does the mortgage landscape.

There has never been so many lenders in the market and this competition has led to some lenders offering very attractive incentives to win your business. Incentives include fee waivers, discounted introductory rates, and even refinance cash rebates that will not only cover all the costs of switching lenders but leave you with thousands of dollars in your pocket. If you’re considering refinancing your mortgage, speak to a mortgage broker today to compare your options. You may be surprised at how much you could save.

Get in touch

Have a question? Or just wanting a chat? Our team are here to help! Call us now or send us a question.

Jane Pan 0417 539 093

Email jane@pancific.com.au