A mortgage pre-approval is issued by a lender and shows how much money you are eligible to borrow to purchase a home. Obtaining a mortgage pre-approval is one of the first steps you should take when you are beginning your home buying journey. Having a mortgage pre-approval in hand gives you numerous advantages when you are negotiating with sellers.

First and foremost, it shows that you are a serious and qualified buyer. Secondly, because you have already gone through the mortgage application process, you will be able to move much more quickly to settlement once you have an accepted offer on a property. Lastly, having a mortgage pre-approval gives you the ability to shop around for the best mortgage rate and terms without having to worry about being approved for a loan. If you are thinking about buying a home, we highly recommend that you obtain a mortgage pre-approval from a mortgage broker before beginning your search. Contact us today to learn more about the mortgage pre-approval process and to get started on your home buying journey.

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Jane Pan 0417 539 093

Email jane@pancific.com.au